The Paw Palace Aladdin


Durbin's Trouble Shooter CH Durbin's Rocky Seven CH Durbin's Domino Of RJR-Bayard CH Bayard Vin Al Of Hilltop 
Kee Wee's Kitten Of Bayard
Durbin's Winkums CH Durbin's Domino Of RJR-Bayard
Durbin's Raw Silk
Durbin's Jezebelle Durbin's Recent Fling CH Mina's Sho-Me's Kodiak
Durbin's Sioux
Durbin's Connella CH Jo-El's Bravo Bravo
Durbin's Golden Delight
 Durbin's Voo-Doo Gal CH Durbin's Rocky Seven CH Durbin's Domino Of RJR-Bayard CH Bayard Vin Al Of Hilltop
Kee Wee's Kitten Of Bayard
Durbin's Winkums CH Durbin's Domino Of RJR-Bayard
Durbin's Raw Silk
Charming Chi.'s Silhouette CH Ouachitah Beau Chiene CH H And J's Mystic Wizard
CH Dartan's Super Star
Hack's Pack Herself's Lil Elf CH Hack's Pack Just'a Smidgen
Hack's Pack Herself The Elf